Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It's a goal. A life journey.  To be successful. To find success in whatever you choose to do with your life.  If you work, your goal is to be successful in business, to climb the ladder, make more money, live a better life.  For me as a stay at home mom and wife, success is measured a bit differently.  I don't get monthly status reports or raises for a job well done or a project completed.  I often don't get praise for the work I do or recognition for the choices I make for my family or myself.  Success for me is measured in the smiles I get from my daughter when we start out on a walk for the park.  In the happy little laugh when her daddy is tickling her and in the whispered "I Wuv You" after bedtime kisses.  Success is in the satisfaction knowing that my house is clean and laundry is done and that my family has a home to be safe in.  In Knowing that my husband leaves this house everyday to go to work to make sure his wife and daughter are taken care of.  I have been successful in love knowing that the man I have married will always be my best friend and will never break my heart.  I am successful because I am aware and abundantly thankful for the gift of God 's unending love and that the journey I have been on has led me back to Him.  So no matter what you do in life, you can find success.  Don't measure it in terms of money or job titles, but in the everyday activities and people you encounter.  I know that I am loved, and that I have love to give. I know that I am raising my daughter the very best way I know how.  I know that I have friends and family that will always be there for me and I for them.  And THAT is what makes me successful.


  1. You are so very blessed to be able to stay at home and watch Ally grow up!!! I love this post!! It is so very true :) And yes you are loved.

  2. This was such a God thing that I ran across this post today! I really needed to hear it. I JUST got off the phone with my Aunt talking about this exact issue! Thanks for posting :-) Jacquelyn
